Sunday, February 21, 2010

Frozen Angels?

Let's not forget that the whole purpose of going out in the frigid cold was to make snow angels. Not that it worked out to well. We attempted and made the best out of the "frozen" snow. See it's been sleeting the last two days and well it formed a frozen layer of ice on top of the snow. If only we had fluffy snow it would have worked out so much better.....

As you can see Tiana falling into place for her snow angel. She tried and laughed at me for even thinking that it was possible. My answer to her was "everything is possible".

Ian was hesitant and not wanting to make a snow angel but to my amazement he flopped himself into the frozen snow and humored me. He laid there for awhile before actually making the wings.

Dalton well he had a hard time breaking the snow to form anything. He had to continue to sit up to swing his arm to break the snow around him.

All the kids were great sports with the snow angels. I stood off on the sidelines; however, my inner child really wanted to fall backwards into the snow to make that snow angel.

Next a snowball fight broke out...

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