Saturday, February 20, 2010

Proud Owner....

As most everyone knows I have a great love for photography. I don't hide that fact. I have been wanting a good camera for some time. I put Mikey to work on researching and finding an affordable (to me ) camera that can take some great pictures of the kids.

What did he come up with? The Nikon D90.

I received my camera last night and have been snapping away today (and a few pictures last night. Shhh....the battery was supposed to charge a complete 8 hours prior to the first use).

Now the kids are now avoiding me whenever I walk in to the room that they are in. Who would have known that it only took a camera to keep the kids out of my personal space?!

I haven't read any of the manual as I am a learn-as-I-go kinda girl. It's working out so far. I have only received one error-- fEE. Which, after googling, was an easy fix---remove the lens and replace.

I felt the need to take the camera into the car wash, so that made for some interesting pictures. Who knows what my mind will want to snap a picture of.

I am now wanting to buy a couple new lens for the camera. A telescope lens to take pictures afar and of the stars. I love looking at the stars. I also want a better general purpose lens that has a better zoom range.

All in all I am loving the new camera and Mikey did a great picking out a camera for me!

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