Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ten Years

Looking back at the last 10 years, I question myself, what is the next 10years going to be like.

I have recently went through old pictures and read some entries to an old journal or two. I have accomplished so much and so little these last 10 years and again I have to ask myself who, what where am I going to be in these next 10 years.

I have read some of my old dreams and goals. A few have changed and some still hold the same.
One thing that is not as apparent as it once was is---excitement. Not that this is a bad thing. Too much excitement is overwhelming.

Despite some strugglingand big changes in my life over this last 10 years, I have endured my share of disappointment, heartache, loss, non-acceptance, etc. None of this has stopped me to---for lack of better words---dream again. Now don't get me wrong over the last 10 years I have expierenced love, happiness, acceptance, enpowerment, accomplishment, etc..

Well, in 10 years my youngest will be 18 which means I will have an empty nest. How scary!! Not saying I want to run out and have a baby--it's a thought though.

My schooling shall be complete--hopefully way before that 10 year mark---but you never know.

My house will be paid off and hopefully I will be living or at the very least looking at living in the country. Not too far out of town but just enough to be able to go outside and enjoy the stars.

I hope to have visited Niagara Falls and a few other places. Actually get in the car and have no predetermined destination--just go.

I want to go camping many times throughout the summer and cook cheese dogs on a stick.

I want to kiss in the rain--like really kiss.

To work at a job that I feel like I am helping or making a difference.

I hope to find and keep love. Possibly marry for a final time.

Write a book. Not sure on what but I would like to write a book.

Ride a horse. It's been years and I enjoyed it 10 years ago so maybe I will in the next 10 years.

I'll stop here instead of listing any more of my dreams, goals, wants. I do believe that the best way to succeed is to set goals and make sure to achieve them.

Now in the next 10 years where will I be? I can honestly say I am excited to find out.

Geez...I feel like I made my bucket list...ugh!

Tough Decisions

I have been thinking and thinking these past few weeks and I still haven't came to a set in stone decision on things. A few questions:

How do you make a tough decision? Do you spend days trying to make up your mind? Do you ever think that you are making the wrong decision? Do you a friend or relative or significant other you discuss options with?

I usually write and my answers eventually come to me. Every so often I get stuck and seek out the advice of a great friend or family member. Sometimes they point out a side that I didn't want to even think about. Just because I ask for an opinion doesn't mean I always follow it. I just like to see the views of someone else.

Not that I will go into details here on this blog but as I stated I have been thinking. Usually a tough decision means you have to give up something else or you are unsure of the outcome. To me that is what makes the decision hard.

Not that I go around and make bad decisions. I seem to think that I have a good head on my shoulders and that my choices have led me down many positive and happy roads. In saying this I know that I have made some not so great decisions too. All that I have learned from and all that have been able to find something positive from.

Guess it is time to consult the magic 8 ball....

Snow Ball

Tiana found a nice place to stand while the boys broke out in thier snow ball fight. That was till I walked over to her to take her picture. It must of drew attention to her because the boys ganged up on her.

Tiana gracefully takes a snowball from Ian. She didn't run, she didn't try to dodge it, she just took it.

Dalton throwing a snowball at Ian. The boys had much more energy than Tiana and I.

Ian throwing what I thought was going to be at Dalton but somehow I ended up getting hit.

I have to give Dalton props on this. He managed to sneak around and get a surprise hit towards Ian. Ian was unaware and taking a break from running around. Priceless.

Ian right after "accidently" hitting me with a snowball. In the background Tiana is staying a safe distance from the action.

Dalton threatening to throw an ice chunk at me! He thought long and hard before dropping it on the ground. Thatta boy!

The boys in war.

Ian enjoyed the snow ball fight the most. Possibly because he was the best at it.

Tiana did get a hit on Dalton when he was down.

Frozen Angels?

Let's not forget that the whole purpose of going out in the frigid cold was to make snow angels. Not that it worked out to well. We attempted and made the best out of the "frozen" snow. See it's been sleeting the last two days and well it formed a frozen layer of ice on top of the snow. If only we had fluffy snow it would have worked out so much better.....

As you can see Tiana falling into place for her snow angel. She tried and laughed at me for even thinking that it was possible. My answer to her was "everything is possible".

Ian was hesitant and not wanting to make a snow angel but to my amazement he flopped himself into the frozen snow and humored me. He laid there for awhile before actually making the wings.

Dalton well he had a hard time breaking the snow to form anything. He had to continue to sit up to swing his arm to break the snow around him.

All the kids were great sports with the snow angels. I stood off on the sidelines; however, my inner child really wanted to fall backwards into the snow to make that snow angel.

Next a snowball fight broke out...


We walked around the park exploring and playing. We found cool looking sticks, a couple of bridges to climb, a frozen pond, and well a heck of a lot of snow.

Tiana helped Dalton up on a tree limb and as soon as the picture was taken he stood up and jumped off. Scared me! Next we came to our second bridge that as you can seeDalton is all ready climbing on. Tiana and Ian was waiting patiently for me to catch up. At about this time I had to stop and empty my shoes out....again!

Here is Dalton trying to poke me with a stick and in the background Ian is trying to poke Dalton with a stick. Silly boys!

Afternoon Walk

The first thing Dalton did was run and tumbled himself down the hill. This boy feels no pain and has no fear. One of his best and worst qualities.

Here Tiana and Ian are checking out the area. Tiana finds and thinks it is funny to "skate" on the only ice patch in the area. She didn't stay standing for long. I am just thankful that I was around to enjoy her embarrassment.

Here the kids found a park bench to walk on and jump off of into the snow. As you can notice we forgot to wear our winter boots which in turn shoes were filled with snow and feet got cold quickly.

More pictures to come...

Any Given Moment

Ian getting ready to play some guitar hero on the Wii, unfortunately he hasn't noticed quite yet that Dalton handed him a guitar without the Wii remote. As the joking and playing around started the day, it continues throughout the day.

Ian is my biggest competition in guitar hero. He actually has some 'moves' like placing the guitar behind his head mid song and not missing a note! I'm not that talented but I do play some perfect songs

Dalton, oh my little Dalton. This picture portrays Dalton at any given minute. He is my little comedian, so he thinks. He is such a little guy with such a big guy way of life.
This picture was taken right before he handed Ian the guitar without the Wii remote. Never a serious moment with Dalton. He keeps his mama on her toes.

Tiana not even phased by her brothers or their actions. She just sits there undisturbed drinking her juice box.

She is definitely used to the chaos around the house and she doesn't know that I have caught on but she participates and instigates some of her own. She does a pretty good job of displaying innocence--she gets that from her mom--so I heard.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

When a mom is bored....

Being bored and alone at home can lead me to do a variety of things. I say alone as my kids have been and are downstairs painting on canvas's and well mom can't participate. In no particular order this is how I have been entertaining myself:

Googled what color would you see if you spun a color wheel which consisted of primary and secondary colors. Well the answer is basically a whitish blur. Who would have known?

Built a house made out of Lego's and than took it back apart because I couldn't make it have the same amount of colors on all the sides.

Danced like a fool in my living room to music playing from my laptop.

Decided to throw the Lego's like they were mini basketballs into the boys shoes that they left in the living room. (It was harder than what I assumed it would be.)

Resited the alphabet backwards.

Tried and failed naming all the reindeers.

Currently baking brownies. I figured the smell will bring the kids back upstairs and I can force them to interact with me.


I win!

Snow Angels

It is snowing outside and I haven't really taken prior opportunities of playing in the snow this winter. The kids and I usually sled a few times during the winter---and we have. They usually beg for more times than what I give in to. We somehow always find a middle ground.

It's no surprise--I am not one that likes the cold. I actually loathe being cold. I am much happier staying indoors where the temperature is above freezing. I would rather just find something inside to entertain myself.

I am going to break out of my shell and do the unthinkable....

Tomorrow I declare that snow angels will be made!!

(Okay I know that isn't huge or even exciting but to my kids it means the world.)

The Non-Compliant Patient

Over the last 10 days I came to realize that I am much better at taking care of others than myself. In fact, I have to say that I am a non-compliant patient.

As having a great love for health care I hate (yes I said hate) the non-compliant patient. They come in and think they "know" everything. This can include what the diagnosis is or what treatment that they need and sometimes they "know" both.

These non-compliant patients are the same one who argues over mundane tests that actually may have or not have anything to do with their doctor visit that day. The spend more time arguing the fact that they don't need that done than what the actual duration of the test would have took.

Sometimes the non-compliant patient doesn't tell the truth on everything. For example, I had to take a little "survey" and to try and "shorten" my doctor visit I fudged the answers slighty. After being caught by a friend who happened to gently-nudge me to make my doctors appointment--she changed my answers to be more accurate.

After the non-compliant patient (a.k.a. me) finally gives in to the test and sees the doctor. The doctor states that I am "not doing well. Not well at all". That is what every 30 year old wants to hear from their doctor. Not only did my lungs sound bad the doctor was concerned with my "survey" answers.

To make a short version of the doctor visit, I ended up with a bazillion prescriptions, including a magic sleeping pill, inhalers, and a pile of pills. Now being the non-compliant patient that I openly admit to being---I choice which pills I want to take and which ones I am not.

I came to realize that I am the patient that I hate taking care of.

Crazy kids....

It looks like Dalton is yelling at me but really he wasn't. I just caught him mid moment when he was acting silly.
Tiana and Einstien, our family cat, posing for a picture.

Above is 2010's Christmas card image. My kids at thier best!

Ian posing with the BIONICLE MAN that I built this morning. Only took me a tad bit over 2 hours. I didn't think I was ever going to complete it. LOL

Tiana posing through the window at work. Dalton smiling through the big door at work.

I am officially a nerd...

Snowfall from last night.

Here are a couple car wash pictures. (I know I am a big nerd!)

I'll post some of the kids here in a bit....

Proud Owner....

As most everyone knows I have a great love for photography. I don't hide that fact. I have been wanting a good camera for some time. I put Mikey to work on researching and finding an affordable (to me ) camera that can take some great pictures of the kids.

What did he come up with? The Nikon D90.

I received my camera last night and have been snapping away today (and a few pictures last night. Shhh....the battery was supposed to charge a complete 8 hours prior to the first use).

Now the kids are now avoiding me whenever I walk in to the room that they are in. Who would have known that it only took a camera to keep the kids out of my personal space?!

I haven't read any of the manual as I am a learn-as-I-go kinda girl. It's working out so far. I have only received one error-- fEE. Which, after googling, was an easy fix---remove the lens and replace.

I felt the need to take the camera into the car wash, so that made for some interesting pictures. Who knows what my mind will want to snap a picture of.

I am now wanting to buy a couple new lens for the camera. A telescope lens to take pictures afar and of the stars. I love looking at the stars. I also want a better general purpose lens that has a better zoom range.

All in all I am loving the new camera and Mikey did a great picking out a camera for me!