Friday, September 5, 2008


I have been meaning to get on and blog this last week and I didn't. Honestly nothing is really going on in my life. That is a first.

I have been working full time at the hospital, taking classes full time, and add that to being a single mom full time--Time has been very limited but I am happy.

I volunteered to work overnight tonight and second shift both tomorrow and Sunday than back to my normal days on Monday. What was I thinking? I haven't stayed up past midnight in it seems.

I have been going through all my belongings and thinning everything down. The girls that live on the unit have already expressed that they want all the clothes that the kids and I are getting rid of. So I will be donating all of the clothes to the girls on the unit for them and their kids. I just have to get myself to sort them--it will get done.

Yesterday I was told that I was 'hated'. SURPRISE! It makes me smile to hear that.

Umm...we had a huge 'adopted' family reunion this last weekend--camping style. A lot of people showed up and it was a long but fun weekend that lasted from Friday to Monday. When the people started to drink--I left.

Anyway, if anyone knows anything about I'm looking for a tutor!


DoubleJ said...

Hi Heather, I had a busy race weekend last weekend. Tony Stewart night was Wednesday night but it rained out again. I don't think they will reschedule it because it is so late in the season and he has made the Chase this year in NASCAR. Anyway, have a great weekend!

MotherTucker said...

Aww...that is crappy that Tony Stewart was a rain out! That is life, I suppose. I am glad to hear that the races are keeping you busy. Have a great weekend too!