Thursday, September 18, 2008

Defense tactics

Yesterday I had defensive tactic training.....and now today I am sore!

So I registered for this class...Defensive Tactic Training...and when I arrived I walked in to a class full of men. I stated out loud "wow, I feel out numbered". All the men 'promised' to take it easy on me. By the time that the class started there were about 6 of us females to the 15 men in the class.

So mind you a police officer teaches this class. One by one we had to demonstrate the tactics on each other. Different pressure points, holds, and well other defensive tactics. If the police officer thought we were 'faking' doing them because we didn't want to hurt each other he would come up and do the move on us.

Lets just say I am pretty sore on my arms, wrists and my collarbone. I will say though that I really enjoyed the class and did learn a thing or two. Anyone want to test the newly learned tactics?


Super Jason said...

u can beat me up

MotherTucker said...

There is no doubt in my mind that I can beat you up! :)

Super Jason said...

ur scarey so yea im sure u can lol

MotherTucker said...

I am not scary. Geez!