Saturday, September 13, 2008

The big debate...

...when to go 'home'?

I haven't been back to my hometown since March. I really didn't get to see everyone that I wanted to see. Sorry 'bout that y'all. Although I was there in February, for a wedding, and got to see most everyone--I miss my family and my friends.

Maybe one of these weekends I can get up there to visit. That is kind of hard with working 50-60 hours a week. Yup, that is how many hours I've been averaging. Add in the full time schooling and I barely have enough time to take a deep breathe.

My dad still has my graduation presents that he bought in April and is holding them till I come up to visit. My sister is moving. I forgot the smell of Phantasia....something I never thought I would do.

Yup, I think it is getting time to visit 'home'.

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