Saturday, October 11, 2008

I said it--and I mean it--I think.

After great deliberation I have decided that I am ready for a relationship—or to say the least—date.

I have taken my time to reflect on myself and made a few necessary changes to myself. I’m happy, to be honest though I have always been pretty happy with the way my life is.

I realize I want more in life now, that I don’t need a relationship with a man, but that I would enjoy one—with the right man. This does not mean that I will change any of my “good girl” morals and values just simply means that I want to fill the slight void that I have in my life—with the right man.

Now how to find the “right man”? Good question. I’m willing to figure that out.


Super Jason said...

wow is the world going to end? u said relationship. any one in mind or taking applications?

Super Jason said...

i had to write anuther comment. i dont read ur blog 4 a week or 2 and now u want a man? ill be right over! want 2 go to a movie this weekend?

MotherTucker said...

I'm not afraid of being in a relationship Jason, I choose to be single.

I'm going to have to pass on the movie this weekend. I do want to say your voicemail was hysterical you are definetly something else.

Super Jason said...

i no ur not afraid of a relationship. been how long for u? ur a strong indapendent woman. a great one at that. any guy u like will be one lucky mofo. for sure. not anyone out there like u. promise.

MotherTucker said...

You don't have to tell me how great I am...I'm well aware. LOL. Thank you Jason. I am glad you finally got it through your thick skull that you and I are only and will only be friends. :)