Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dressing up...

Tomorrow is Halloween and it is my all-time favorite holiday! Yes, I have purchased a costume and I plan on wearing it to work and possibly out trick-or-treating.

My co-workers know that I went costume shopping so they asked me if I was going to wear it to work tomorrow. I replied "My jugs look like watermelons when I tried it on". They laughed hysterically and one replied "I haven't heard someone use the word jugs to describe their boobs in a long time" to which another one replied "At least not a woman".

I guess I am different. My mouth seems to move faster than my brain. Well if you talk to me than you already know that.

I did decide that I am going to wear my costume to work and I am hopefully going to leave the house a bit early so I can pick up some Halloween candy for the clients. I think we might even get a few Trick-Or-Treaters!

As you can tell--I am slightly excited!

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