Monday, November 24, 2008

My new hair...

Today I had an appointment at my regular salon to get my hair not only cut but dyed and highlighted. Needless to say a 'few' inches were snipped but I like it. It's the first time in almost a decade that I have bangs!

I asked for a dark, dark brown--almost black with caramel and red highlights. Now what I got was a dark brown with red and a pumpkin spice colored highlights! The caramel didn't take but it's okay!

During the long process of getting my hair done I looked like the tin man off of the Wizard of Oz--I had so much foil in my hair!

Needless to say I'm pretty happy with my shorter 'redish' hairdo.


DoubleJ said...

Your new haircut and color looks really good Heather.

At least the aliens couldn't read your thoughts when you had all the foil on your head. (Sorry, I watch the Sci-Fi Network way too much and am starting to believe a little in alien conspiracy theories ;D )

MotherTucker said...

Thanks James! I really like it!

LMAO--I had enough foil I'm surprised the aliens didn't read my thoguhts!