Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My lucky day...

So today I was speeding along, talking on my phone, and obviously not paying attention to the state trooper that was--oh--paying attention to me! I got pulled over.

Knowing that I was going, um, fast and the speed limit was only 55 mph. I knew I was in trouble.

The trooper approached the car and I start handing him my drivers license, registration, and an insurance card...which the nice trooper noticed that it expired on the 23rd. Which than I remember--crap my new card is on my kitchen table.

This trooper looked me straight in the eyes and said "I can take your license right now. You were going 82." What?! I started to argue "I don't think it was quite that". I was told sternly not to argue. Next I was questioned "Where you going in such the hurry?" I replied honestly "I'm meeting someone for lunch." He than looked at me puzzled and asked "Your excuse for going 82 mph is because you are meeting someone for lunch?" I shook my head up and down and say "Yup, cause that is what I'm doing." He than brought up again that he can 'yank' my license. I said "Hey can you not do that. Is there something else?" He still hasn't taken one step away from my window and looks at my license and said "is this thing valid?" I know I was looking at him strangely and said "Yup". His next question was "So do you have lots of speeding tickets?" I stated "Nope, honestly I don't." He handed me back my drivers license and said "enjoy your lunch but slow down." Phew!!!

Thank you Mr. State Trooper!

The guy never even ran my license! I wasn't lying but still.

Let's just say I only speed 5 mph the rest of my drive!

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