Saturday, October 30, 2010

Old pictures...

I was looking through some old pictures as I do now and again. Found one with all of the girl grandkids at one of the last big family get togethers that I have went to. The other is a picture of me when I was getting a divorce the first time back in 1999. What memories pictures bring back---mostly good---I think.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A profound effect...

This morning after my test I decided to run to Burger King for an egg and cheese biscuit. As I was pulling up to Burger King's parking lot so was a van; however, I had the right away but I waved to the woman driving the van to go ahead of me.

When I got the speaker I ordered my egg and cheese biscuit and waited in the short ling of customers waiting to get to the window to pay for their food. The woman in the van is in front of me and I noticed that she received her food and pulled out of the drive thru.

I pulled up to the pick up window to pay and get my food. The Burger King employee hands me my sack and said "It is taken care of" and wouldn't take my money. I must have had a very confused look on my face as the employee than states "The lady in front of you paid for your breakfast as she said you did something nice for her. She also asked me to tell you to have a great day."

Wow. By waving the van in front of me to the drive thru I impacted that woman positively. She noticed the "small" gesture and wanted me to know. In a world where faith in humanity is considered "lost"--I still believe.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A walk in the park...

Today, I enjoyed. The kids and I went for a walk through one of the parks here in town. The cool breeze, the blue sky, the changing of the trees. Fall is amongst us!

While out at the park I took some pictures of the kids. If I think of it later I will post some more.

I agreed to take some pictures for a friend, which they turned out amazing. My friend was thrilled with them---which makes me happy!

Note to self: I have to use this camera more often!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New addition

Ohh, I forgot a very important addition to the Tucker family...

Athlon Franklin Tucker born June 5th, 2010.

It was love at first sight with his big brown eyes. Although there have been many sleepless nights with Athlon, we all have adjusted well. Tiana, Ian, and Dalton have helped out so much with the added responsibilities.

I will post pictures soon...

Photography, just a hobby...

If you know me than you would know my favorite time of year is amongst us. I am truly excited for the cooler weather and for the changing of colors on the trees. Something about having the windows open and cuddling up on the couch with "fuzzy", my favorite blanket.

I am looking forward to the next few weeks as the leaves should be changing to the dramatic fall colors. When this occurs I will be out taking pictures of not only of the trees (which I love) but of my kids using the nature as the backdrop.

As most know, I love photography. I have a few people requesting me to take picture of their kids and a few family pictures outdoors. If only it paid better this would be the job for me. Unfortunately being a single mom prevents me to make the decision to only pursue photography.

As of now it will remain a hobby...