Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Year's Resolution....

I was asked what my New Year's Resolution was for 2010 and before I tell let me ask how many actually follow through with thier goals? Most everyone I know---don't.

What I want for 2010 is to fall in love. Now this is my first resolution that isn't all about me. It has to an added individual in the picture. We'll see...but I am hopeful...

I am a bit girly now and again...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Few highlights of 2009...

Wow, what a year 2009 was and it makes me wonder what 2010 will bring.

Small recap of 2009:

  • Bought a newer Malibu. During the test drive I thought I was hitting the button to move the seat back and it just wasn't working. I was mistaken I was pushing the heated seat button. I figured this out when my butt got all warm and toasty. Embarrassing as it is that I couldn't find the button to move the seat back anyone who knows me knows I don't like to be cold. I was sold over the heated seats. Best part no car payment.

  • Took the kids to Fun City. It was an absolutely great time for an overnight trip. If you can stay out of the arcade it isn't badly priced. However, we are a family who loves video games. We boweled a few games and frankly I am not that great of a bowler and my kids must have got that gene from me. Although I don't believe that any of us broke 100 we smiled and laughed--and that is what matters. Indoor go-carts is always a big hit for the family and we all had a fantastic time racing each other and others. I think the kids and I could have spent the whole day racing. We even had our first lazer tag experience. A family that plays together stays together.

  • Experienced our first rodeo as a family. I blogged on this before so I won't go in much detail. It was great and I am sure that we will go again.

  • Made it back to Omaha Zoo which is the best zoo that I have been too. Many animals and great variety in exhibits.

  • Became single; once again. 'Nuff said.

  • Transferred to a different department within the hospital. Not a better job; however, better hours for being a single mom. Change doesn't come without obstacles but still I have no regrets.

  • Bought new living room furniture and a new bed. I have always wanted a red couch and I finally was brave enough to buy me one. I love it. As for the new bed, oh my, I haven't wanted to get out of it. Oh, I guess technically I only bought half of the bed in 2010. The mattress and box springs were bought in 2010. Side note: It really drives me insane to hear the new year called twenty-ten. Err.

  • Enjoyed an early Christmas with the family. Had a great turn out with both nieces, my nephew, dad, sister, and even some friends of the family shown up. As for Christmas with just the kids and I it was fantastic. Seeing the kids faces light up when opening presents is priceless.

  • As for bringing in the New Year--I was in bed before most even left for a bar.

There is many more things that has happened during 2009 but just wanted to pick out some highlights. I have came to some great realizations in 2010 but that will have to wait till the next blog.